
Paul Martin Remfry on Great Castles of Ireland

Aurzelle da Silva on In the Footsteps of the Plantagenets

Ronnie Berri pouring a dram on Scotch Whisky in Depth

Traveling improves physical health

Seeing spectacular sights up close—medieval castles, Roman ruins, or grand cathedrals—will typically involve a significant amount of walking and stair climbing, both of which get you into the aerobic heart-rate zone. The same holds true for swimming in the Mediterranean, learning a few Irish Ceili dance steps, or hunting for truffles—these types of psychical activities get your blood pumping and that benefits cardiovascular health, cuts down on stress levels, and even boosts muscle strength. Many of our sojourns will keep you quite active, most especially Lost Castles of Wales, Fell Walking with the Romantic Poets, Castles in the Clouds, and The Canterbury Tales Pilgrimage. Check them out.

Traveling bolsters cognative well-being

Taking an extended break from the hustle and bustle of daily life is essential; traveling gives your mind time to relax, recharge and rejuvenate. Less stress and higher levels of happiness create lower cortisol levels—leading to you feeling more content and calm. Even just planning your travel can trigger a release of dopamine, which increases your pleasure, motivation and satisfaction.

Visiting a new place, learning a few words of a different language, tasting an unknown food, or absorbing the sights, sounds and smells on a city walking tour—all will get your brain’s neurons firing, and your mental health improves! Our fascinating historical sojourns such as Anglo-Saxon Britain, In the Footsteps of the Plantagenets, Great Castles of Britain, and Roman Britian will definitely engage your mind.

Traveling cultivates a different perspective

Experiencing a different culture in depth, as you do on a Scholarly Sojourn’s tour, opens your eyes to new ways of living, other ways of thinking and learning how people in other cultures lead their daily lives. It teaches you that there isn’t a right or wrong way, just different a different way. Developing a deeper understanding of other cultures helps increase your empathic abilities and cultural sensitivities.

In his travel book The Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain wrote: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” If you want to immerse yourself in a fascinating new culture, take a look at our sojourns Britain’s Fifth Nation, South African Rhapsody, Sun-Kissed Southern Italy*, and Brewing in Bavaria.

Traveling enhances creativity

Visiting a foreign country and immersing yourself in the local culture enhances your cognitive flexibility and expands your imagination, leading to increased creativity. Traveling forces you think outside the box, requires adaption, and often provides simple and lasting inspiration.

Enjoying a cooking class in Italy might inspire you to try whipping up culinary delights once you’re back home. Gazing across the stunning vistas of Ireland might spur a new-found interest in photography. Encountering amazing street art in Glasgow can inspire you to start taking art classes. Traveling requires you to slow down, to pause, to open your mind to the world around you…to breathe and be in the moment.

Scholarly Sojourns takes great pride in providing you with impeccable service and beyond-the-guidebook insights. Our small group, intellectually-engaging travel programs deliver experiences that are fun, unique, authentic, memorable—and ultimately, enhance your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

There’s no doubt traveling improves heath! So, invest in a healthier you by finding your Sojourn now!

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