At A Glance:
  • Upcoming Departures:
    Mar 4 - 17, 2018

    Tour begins:
    South Africa

    Tour concludes:
    Cape Town,
    South Africa

    $4,495/person (DO)
    $5,390/person (SO)

    Optional Air Package:
    From: $1,499/person

  • Discover the Wines and Wonders of South Africa

    South African wines have achieved world class status and today the vines that bring forth each year’s crop of splendid grapes are rich with a history that is intertwined with this warm, dramatic, and fascinating country. While the vineyards and wineries of the Western Cape are certainly worthy of a tour for their own sake, when one considers the backdrop against which they are set—the jaw-dropping natural beauty, the opportunities to encounter spectacular and exotic wildlife, and the rich cultural tapestry that is South Africa—a wine tour here is truly unlike any other.

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