Message From The Founder The Vacation Reinvented Sojourn Variety

December 2017

With the holidays quickly approaching, it is likely we will all be spending time with cherished family and friends over the weeks to come. Among other things, these special moments allow us to catch up with each other about the things we have done and, perhaps more significantly, discuss those we still wish to do. This year, as you enjoy time with loved ones, why not take the opportunity to discuss travel plans in the company of those with whom you wish to create more memories?

There is a wise proverb which advises that we fill our lives with moments rather than things, for, in the end, it’s the moments that will matter. This is true not only at the holidays, but always. The new year will soon provide us all a blank canvas which we will fill with images of another year of our lives. Our holiday wish for you is that a portion of your canvas will be painted with bold new adventures of you exploring our wonderful world, hopefully in the company of those you hold dear.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

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