At A Glance:
  • Departure dates:
    Oct 8 - 16, 2022

    Tour begins:
    Edinburgh, Scotland

    Tour concludes:
    Edinburgh, Scotland

    Price from:
    $4,395/person (DO)
    $4,995/person (SO)

    Optional Air Package:
    $ 995/person

  • Kelli Nakagama

    Kelli Nakagama is the whisky-obsessed travel fanatic behind Whiskied Wanderlust, a whisk(e)y and travel website based in Chicago. She’s also President of the Chicago chapter of Women Who Whiskey, an experimental club that hosts monthly events with brands across the whisky spectrum. 
    At the end of 2017 Kelli visited Scotland for the first time and was so enchanted by it she went back two months later… and two months after that. After visiting for a fourth time in Spring 2019, she realized it would take a lifetime to visit all her favorite Scottish distilleries if she kept doing it on her own. Even as an avid travel planner she needed an expert to get her to all the hard-to-reach places like Islay and Campbeltown — which is exactly what this trip is about! 

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