

Sojourn Highlights

  • Daily lectures each morning at the world renowned University of Paris-Sorbonne
  • Privately guided visits to Musé Carnevalet and the Conciergerie prison.
  • A special presentation on the French Revolution given by the Director of Muse Carnavalet.
  • Guest speaker Guy Dupree, a noted expert on the French Revolution, joins us for a seminar evening and a guided visit to Musé Carnavalet
  • Guided tour of the antique and jewelry shops along the Rue des Francs-Bourgeois
  • Sojourn leader, Professor Donald Sutherland of the University of Maryland, is a noted expert on the French Revolution and has an astounding ability to reconstruct the era and the events with his engaging lectures and presentations.
  • Privately guided tour of the palace and grounds of Versailles.
  • Walking tour of the “route to the Bastille,” retracing the exact steps the revolutionaries took on Bastille Day.
  • Day-trip to the historic battlefield in Valmy and an afternoon and evening in Reims.
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